
Darius Clair

My formal name is Darius Clair but the majority of my close friends, family and acquaintances know me as “Duce,” a child hood nick name given to me through my 16 years of growing up playing football. I am a 27 year old Washington, DC native and a Father of 3; two infant twin boys and a 9yr old daughter. I graduated from Bowie State University in 2014 and I am currently the CEO of D.E.A.L.S., an entrepreneur empowerment and resource based company that encourages all individuals to do what they love and learn to make a living creating their visions. 

I am excited to be a part of the 202Creates Residency program and during my time in the program I intend to take D.E.A.L.S. up a notch! I will be focusing on developing personally as an entrepreneur, building lasting relationships with my fellow residents and also with our program facilitators. Even more specifically I will be working on our new D.E.A.L.S. Magazine project, planning our next discussion event and curating new video marketing content. By the end of this program our goal is to show the entire DMV what it means to really “Get Your D.E.A.L.S. Up.”